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Showing posts from April, 2019

stable regardless of your exertion

Free food will become your friend. Donating blood or plasma may become a source of income. Selling old textbooks on Amazon might look pretty good too. That wiki article also links to a bunch of other LSD, MDA, and DMT producing Heisenberg's with really interesting stories. It seems like the "lab on wheels" was actually a really popular way for LSD mass producers to hide their labs and keep up continental distribution. There's a guy in there that started a perfume company as a front for making DMT, which he first learned to synthesize in his bathtub while he was in school for a sociology and anthropology degree. We were shocked. Kissinger had huge conflicts of interest major dealings with the Saudis. The day before he resigned, we had a meeting with him in his office in Manhattan. Gen Xers This group makes up about 30% of the workforce and was born between 1965 and 1982. They know and understand technology and want to use it. Gen Xers may have lots of career interest...